What is a Food Allergy and a Food Allergy Test?

Healthy foods can still be trigger foods for allergies!! We discover which foods, herbs or spices are feeding your food allergy or chronic inflammation, help you to avoid the problematic foods accurately based on science!! (Food Allergy or Food Sensitivity Test screens for 205, 184 or 96 food items, please click this link for detail information)

A latest research in August 2016 conducted by the National Center for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan states that Infants who suffered from eczema within the first 4 months after birth were found to have a higher risk of developing food allergy at 3-year-old. In Hong Kong, parents tend to perform a food allergy test on their baby as early as possible in order to prevent exaggeration of the eczema and other allergic symptoms.

Also, The US National Library of Medicine has a documented research clearly stated that examination of food IgG antibody in serum is valuable in the diagnosis and treatment of childhood eczema.  That research was conducted by the Taian Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Shandong, China. Over 200 children with eczema or other allergies and 80 healthy children were tested for their blood IgG levels.  The result showed that the IgG positive rates of children in the eczema group and allergy group were 91.4% and 93.4%, respectively, the IgG positive rates of children in the eczema group and allergy group were significantly higher than that in the control group.


Shoda T, Futamura M, Yang L, Yamamoto-Hanada K, Narita M, Saito H, Ohya Y.  (2016 ) Timing of eczema onset and risk of food allergy at 3 years of age: A hospital-based prospective birth cohort study.  J Dermatol Sci. 2016 Aug 2. pii: S0923-1811(16)30177-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2016.08.003.

Liu Y, Yan H, Shao F, Li QH, Cui M. (2018) Correlation between childhood eczema and specific IgG antibody level. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2018 Mar-Apr;32(2):341-344.

What is food allergy ?

  • Food allergy is built-in biochemical reactions to certain naturally occurring substances (e.g. food) in the environment.  The substances that cause allergic reactions are called allergens
  • Any food can be an allergen, particularly as we age, as well as when we eat excessively of one food type. When our immune system over-produces antibodies (Immunoglobulins) to fight against these allergens, the biochemical reaction causes inflammation and associated allergic symptoms
  • Numerous unidentified, chronic and recurrent symptoms are highly related to food allergy

Who suffers from allergies ?

  • Almost everyone has suffered unexpectedly from allergic symptoms, including skin rashes, diarrhea, headaches, irritable bowels, stuffy and runny noses or varieties of common uncomfortable symptoms.  If we include the less dramatic symptoms like occasional anxiety, joint stiffness, water retention, dark circles etc. It is estimated that at least one-quarter of the world’s population is living with avoidable allergies

What factors can trigger allergies ?

  • Heavy metal exposure, food additives, imbalanced diets, stress, genetic predisposition, infections, inflammation, drugs, environmental pollutants and toxins are all possible factors to trigger allergies

How can we help ?

  • Although there is no cure for food allergies, serious health consequences can be prevented through early recognition, strict avoidance of food allergens and effective management of the reactions when they occur
  • To achieve early recognition of your body’s food intolerances, Mineralysis Food Allergy Test is now available to measure 96 (up to 205) food allergens from one simple prick of the finger.  We can test some unique healthy foods like chia seed, fig, pine nut and some herbs (such as ginseng and licorice). The actual levels of antibody can be precisely measured against these individual allergens. The test will help you to understand what you need to omit or add to your diet to minimize allergic reactions

Food Allergies can trigger the following symptoms chronically:

Affected Organs

Possible Symptoms

Digestive System

Vomiting, Nausea, Diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Constipation, Gas Bloating


Acne, Skin Rash, Eczema, Urticaria, Flushing/hot flashes, Hair loss, Itching


Chronic Fatigue, Autism, Anxiety, Depression, Poor Balance, Learning Disabilities, Attention deficit, Hyperactivity

Head and Neck

Dark Circles, Ear Infections, Ringing in the Ears (Tinnitus), Recurrent Sinusitis, Migraines Headaches, Excessive mucous, Sore Throat, Mouth Sores


Bronchitis, Breathing Difficulty, Shortness of breath, Asthma, Chest Pain

Mind and Emotion

Poor Concentration, Poor Memory, Mood Swings, Irritability, Anxiety, Depression

Joints and muscles

Chronic Pain, Joint Stiffness


Anal-Genital Itching, Water Retention, Recurrent Infection, Irregular Heart Beats

Two Major Types of Allergic Reactions: 

1. Immediate Allergic Reactions:
Quick and dramatic symptoms:
Immediate allergic reaction involves excessive production of IgE antibody (a type of detrimental protein) by the immune system. Symptoms occur instantly or within an hour after eating the problematic food.
Comparatively easy to identify:
Avoidance of the problematic food source is necessary as the symptoms are acute such as: Rashes, Swelling, Difficulty breathing, increase heart speed.

2. Delayed Allergic Reactions:
The symptoms are less obvious: 
It is often considered as a "hidden allergy", the reaction can occurs up to several hours or days after eating the problematic food, so the symptoms are more difficult to identify.
Comparatively difficult to identify: 
Chronic unidentified delayed allergic reactions trigger inflammation, resulting in discomfort in multiple parts of the body. Symptoms of a delayed food allergy can take up to 72 hours to appear. Such detrimental immune response is caused by the IgG antibody, which is more abundant than the IgE antibody, that is why it is more meaningful to test for it.